The Tidyverse of Essential R Libraries and their Python Analogues

779: The Tidyverse of Essential R Libraries and their Python Analogues — with Dr. Hadley Wickham

The Python Equivalent of R's Tidyverse

Hadley Wickham’s Favorite R Tidyverse Libraries

Why All Data Scientist Should Use R

Hadley Wickham on R vs Python

Marrying R and Python

Piping (in R) vs Method Chaining (in Python)

Hadley Wickham's Favorite R Library

Install Essential R Libraries

Maximizing Flow State with Tidyverse

Shiny: Build Robust Web Apps in Minutes with Python or R

R and Python: The best of both worlds

Why Did RStudio Become Posit?

Quarto: Text + Code Documents Made Easy and Beautiful

Webinar — Fanning the flames an unfair comparison of Python and R in Data Science

#70 Beyond the Language Wars: R & Python for the Modern Data Scientist (Rick Scavetta/Boyan Angelov)

Learning Python for Data Science with Posit Academy

Introduction to R Programming for Excel Users | R Programming Tutorial

pandas for nycflights13 with regex

Intro to Data Visualization with R & ggplot2

D-RUG: sf in R demo

Data Science Hangout | Ryan Garnett, Green Shield Canada | Getting People Excited about Open Roles

JJ Allaire, RStudio - Apache Spark Maker Community Event 2016 - #SparkBizApps - #theCUBE

#33 Pharmaceuticals and Data Science (with Max Kuhn)